Saturday, September 29, 2007

The Three Stages in Life

Based on my previous post.. I conclude that there are three satges where people live in this world..
1. The Nobody (The Man that Never Was)
2. The Existency (The Proof of Existence)
3. The Eternity (The Fadeless Memories)

Those three are associated in one form which I called..

"The Pyramid of Life"

This is my 2nd original philosophy after the Eternal Smile.. I will explain about it later.. You can read about the pyramid very soon.. I want complete my thoughts in this case first before I post a blog about it..

At least.. I want to ask you to join me..
"Let's stop being NOBODY!"

Nothing Personal, No Hard Feelings and No Offense,

The Fadeless Memories

It's been long time since the last time I post something in this blog.. This moment.. I want to talk about the last stage of life based on my thoughts.. The stage where people rarely reach.. It is..

I had mentioned about it before long time ago..
"Eternity is not an illusion.. Human beings could reach it with totally hardworks and dedications.."

Yeah.. It is possible for us to reach this stage.. Some of you might call me insane when you read the statement.. But, we're not talking about "the non-dying person".. That is eternity is folklores, in myths and in fairytales..

But actually.. My eternity is "The condition where everybody in this world remember that you've ever live in this world without being forgotten until the end of time".. This is my concwpt of eternity..

Being remembered forever.. That's for the short meaning.. How can we be remembered forever? The eternity is the expansion stage of 'existency'.. In existency.. We talk about the proof of existence.. In this stage, we talk about 'The Fadeless Memories".. Unforgettable by the rest of the world.. That's the case..

So, to reach this stage.. First.. You have to reach the second stage first.. Let anyone know who you are.. Thus, you will reach the existency.. The game begins we everybody know who you are.. In existency.. You have done something very big so that everybody at the present knows about you.. In the eternity.. You must do something very great so that everybody at the present and the FUTURE knows and remembers you forever..

It can be done by inventing or discovering something very significant to the future of the world.. You can reach it by inventing new theory that build the civilizations.. Or you can reach it by conquer the whole world in one under your souvereignity.. The thing is.. What you've done should affect the civilizations at the present and future.. The significant differences between existency and eternity is that existency only consists of present things while the eternity is a global thing consists of present and future things..

One example of someone that have reached the stage of eternity based on my opinion is ALBERT EINSTEIN.. Do you remeber his concept of Relativity.. This concept born only with his calculations.. No one have ever proved that this theory is right.. But at least.. Everybody believes it.. This theory haven't got any Nobel Prizes.. But I believe.. If one day someone could prove the theory,, Albert Einstein will receive his 2nd Nobel Prize after the theory of Phoelectrics.. In this case.. His name will never be forgotten by every single people in this world.. He may have been dead long ago.. But, his thoughts is still living in this world..

That's it.. When you reach the stage of eternity.. You may have been dead phisically.. But the memories about you still live in the hearts of every human beings in this world.. You are dead.. But your thoughts have is still living forever.. You live in their hearts.. The people in this world.. And they will never forget about you.. Thus.. You live in eternity..

To reach this stage.. You need a total hardworks and dedications.. It is completely not easy.. But everybody could reach it.. In fact.. Not much people could reach this stage.. Thera are only little numbers of people who live in eternity.. They are the people who have create civilizations in this world through their hardworks and dedications..

So.. The last question is..
"Do want to be eternal?"
The answer from me is..
"It's your choice..."

Nothing Personal, No Hard Feelings and No Offense,