Sunday, July 1, 2007

How I Determine A True Friend

"Being a friend is giving each other.. But, true friends.. Never!"
-B. A. Wirapati-
Everybody has their own way of determining their own true friends.. This tima.. I want to share about my own concept of true friend.. Friend is completely different than true friend.. It may look similar.. But, it has a significant differences for me..
In a relationship with friends.. There are mutual needs.. Between friends, there will be a 'giving each other'.. Each member of the friendship will give another member what he/she had and the other members would do the same.. There's an importance.. And when there's no importance between the members, the friendship will be disbanded..
But.. True Friend.. Is far more than just a mutual interaction.. One side doesn.t have to give something while others give something to be a true friend.. But.. True friend is always be with you, whether you're in advantages or disadvantages.. True friend never betray you..
When you're happy and success.. He/she will be happy for you..
When you found a wall blocking your way.. He/she will support you the best he/she can..
When you're facing a very bad situation.. He/she will be there to stand together with you..
When you make mistakes.. He/she will tell you about that..
When he/she makes mistakes to you.. He/she will apologize to you as soon as he/she found out that it's his/her fault..
When there's no importance anymore between you and him/her.. He/she will make you even more iportant for him/her..
True friend will never leave side.. No matter how bad your situation.. He/she doesn't wear masks in front of you.. True friend will always show you his/her true face.. When importance become the subject of the friendship.. Then.. He/she is not your true friend anymore..
No mutual interaction.. Never.. True friend never asks.. And will always be there to help without being asked..
Sometimes we don't realize that someone is our true friend.. There's no more valuable treasure in this world than a true friend.. You have to realize it.. You have to know who your true friend is.. And keep the treasure together..
Nothing {ersonal, No hard Feelings.
Smile Eternally,

1 comment:

wiydiy said...

real nice post.

