Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Philosophy of 'A Person that Never Was'

Well.. My sisters and some of my friends asked me why did I chose the titles ‘The Man that Never Was’ and ‘The Philosopher that Never Was’ for my blogs.. The phrase might be sounded absurd.. The phrase ‘The Person that Never Was’ itself means that This person was never really existed...

That’s it! I called myself ‘A Person that Never Was’. It’s not because I was never existed. But, I think that I don’t really exist in this world. Actually I am exist.. But I am not more than just a mere nobody.. I do not have any role in this world.. Well.. Imagine that we live in a ‘Role Playing Game’.. I am just an NPC or ‘Non-Playable Character’.. I am just a character that the role have no effect on the plot..

In this world.. I live as a human.. But, my existence does not mean a thing to this world.. Even if I die or continue living.. This world will not change too much.. I do not have role to play in this world.. I am just a ‘Non-Playable Character’ in this world..

But. It does not mean that I am not important.. It does not mean that I cannot do anything about it.. Actually.. ‘A Person that Never Was’ is a step of life for me.. There is a stage that was called ‘A Person that Never Was’.. I can do something to move forward to get away from this stage into the next stage of ‘The Proof of Existence’.. In this stage.. I become a true existence..

The blogs that I have is one of my way to prove my existence.. The Story that Was Never Told is my blog to tell the whole world about my life.. The story of my life.. I live in this world.. But my stories remain untold.. That makes me ‘The Man that Never Was’.. Not much knows that I was really existed.. When I die and those who know that I existed die.. The story of mine will be fade away and forgotten by time.. No one will know that I was once existed.. I remain as ‘Man that Never Was’.. I never really existed..

While The Philosophy that Was Never Taught is my blog to tell the world about my thoughts.. Thoughts about human life.. There is no proof that my thoughts is true.. I cannot even prove it.. That’s why I am still ‘A Philosopher that Never Was’.. I am not yet a real philospher.. Just an ordinary boy thinking about human life.. But, at least, these thoughts is my prove of existence.. That I once lived and thought.. This is my journey to be a real philosopher.. Until one day I can prove myself as a real philosopher.. I will remain as a philosopher that never was and my philosophy will be swallowed by the sands of time.. There will be no proof that I existed..

I don’t want to become a nobody.. I want to stop being a nobody.. Being a nobody means that I am ‘A Person that Never Was’.. I will move forward to my ‘Prove of Existence’.. So.. I can move to another stage in my life.. Move forward to my future..

Nothing Personal, No Hard Feelings, No Offense,

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